Queenworld.fr est le premier site francophone amateur, exclusivement consacré à l'univers du groupe Queen. Vous y trouverez: biographie, photos, videos, goodies ainsi que l'intégralité de la discographie du groupe. Merci et bon surf sur Queenworld.fr. Louis Goncalves
"Don't Stop me Now", est la chanson qui rend le plus heureux, selon une équation mathématique.
"Don't Stop me Now", est la chanson qui rend le plus heureux, selon une équation mathématique.
Un chercheur a mené une étude pour déterminer quelles sont les chansons qui mettent à coup sûr de bonne humeur. "Peut-on clairement identifier les chansons qui rendent heureux ?" Jacob Jolij, chercheur en neuroscience à l'université de Groningue (Pays-Bas), s'est posé la question pendant plusieurs jours et a établi une formule qui évalue la capacité d'une musique à mettre de bonne humeur. Selon lui, trois critères permettent de produire "la chanson du bonheur" parfaite (FGI) : le tempo, qui doit être de 150 battements par minute (BPM), des paroles positives (L) et l'utilisation de notes en gamme majeure (K). A la première place de ce top, on trouve Dont' Stop me Now, de Queen. Trente-sept ans après sa sortie, ce tube conserve sa capacité à faire bouger les foules et à remplir les pistes de danse. Pour le chercheur, il présente exactement le bon tempo, les bonnes paroles et la bonne gamme, pour produire immédiatement une sensation de bien-être.
"Don't Stop me Now", est la chanson qui rend le plus heureux, selon une équation mathématique.
Un chercheur a mené une étude pour déterminer quelles sont les chansons qui mettent à coup sûr de bonne humeur.
"Peut-on clairement identifier les chansons qui rendent heureux ?" Jacob Jolij, chercheur en neuroscience à l'université de Groningue (Pays-Bas), s'est posé la question pendant plusieurs jours et a établi une formule qui évalue la capacité d'une musique à mettre de bonne humeur.
Selon lui, trois critères permettent de produire "la chanson du bonheur" parfaite (FGI) : le tempo, qui doit être de 150 battements par minute (BPM), des paroles positives (L) et l'utilisation de notes en gamme majeure (K).
A la première place de ce top, on trouve Dont' Stop me Now, de Queen. Trente-sept ans après sa sortie, ce tube conserve sa capacité à faire bouger les foules et à remplir les pistes de danse. Pour le chercheur, il présente exactement le bon tempo, les bonnes paroles et la bonne gamme, pour produire immédiatement une sensation de bien-être.
Queen-Rockmyworldfr Antheva updated his profile...
10 Things You Never Knew About Freddie Mercury
As the flamboyant front man of Queen, Freddie Mercury toyed with hedonism amidst making timeless songs, which leaves plenty ammunition for these little tidbits...
Even his official passport read ‘Frederick Mercury’, despite the fact that his birth name was Farrokh Bulsara. Calling him anything but Freddie would not be well received, however - he started using the name ‘Freddie’ prior to ever arriving in England, and ‘Mercury’ when Queen first started.
Mercury didn’t consider himself a particularly great pianist. As a result, he always dreaded performing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ (video above) in concert because he worried he would mess up on the piano in the process. In future years, he started using the piano less on albums so he would be free to dance and run wildly during concerts.
In the final scene of Queen’s ‘It’s A Hard Life’ video, when Freddie sits down on the steps, he does so very gingerly, favouring one side over the other. At the time of filming, he had only just had a plaster cast removed, a souvenir after drunken horseplay went awry one night in the New York bar in Munich.
Mercury was always in his best form at concerts after emotional conflict. Before a show at the Milton Keynes Bowl, Mercury got into a massive argument with his current beau, Bill Reid, that culminated with Reid biting Mercury’s hand so hard that it left teeth marks and bled profusely. Another fight left their hotel room with a layer of broken glass and plaster on the carpet.
In another incident with Reid, the two of them yelled at each other for so many hours that Mercury woke up completely hoarse on the day that Queen was scheduled to perform live on Saturday Night Live, a hugely popular variety show in the USA. The entire day was spent trying remedies to get his voice back, which he was only barely able to do in time.
After boarding a flight to New York from Tokyo one day, Mercury discovered the plane was a DC10, a model that had had some problems in the past. “DC death more like!” Mercury remarked, before immediately gathering his things, exiting the plane, and taking the only available seat on the next flight 14 hours later - economy, as opposed to his first class seat on the DC10.
When Mercury was on tour in the United States, he found out the man he was seeing, Tony Bastin, had been seen out with someone else. For revenge, Mercury paid for Bastin to fly out to see him in the US under the pretense of visiting. Mercury met him immediately after his arrival, told him it was over and then put him on the next plane back to London that day. Mercury also kept Bastin’s cat, Oscar.
Mercury loved his cats, so much so that while on tour he would periodically call home to talk to them. His one-time girlfriend and long-time close friend Mary Austin would hold the cats up to the phone so they could listen to him speak. He also had portraits painted of them.
Mercury’s assistants were required to have a pen and paper on them at all times in case inspiration hit unexpectedly. Lyrics for ‘Life Is Real’ were started suddenly while flying over the Atlantic from New York, with what is now the classic line “guilt stains on my pillow” originally taken down as “c*nt stains on my pillow”.
A recreation of the statue created to honour Mercury, found on Lake Geneva in Montreaux, Switzerland, stands on top of the Dominion Theatre, just down Oxford Street from (the then).
Freddie Mercury - Send in the clowns
Freddie Mercury doing a piano cover of the famous song written by Stephen Sondheim.The track originates from a tape that Jim Hutton(Freddie's last lover) recorded...it was recorded somewhere around 1985/1986.
Queen - Open your eyes look touch and feel (Mixed by Sebastien Bédé).
You are watching and listening an unofficial special tribute to Queen, called "Open Your Eyes, Look, Touch and Feel".
This tribute is a 45 minutes audio & video mix by Sébastien Bédé and made with the original music written and performed by Queen (Brian May, Roger Taylor, Freddie Mercury, John Deacon) & Freddie Mercury (solo materials).
Freddie Mercury's Montreux Memorial Day
Chaque année depuis 2003, le premier week-end de septembre, un hommage particulier est rendu à l’immense star qu’était Freddie Mercury, chanteur emblématique du groupe britannique Queen et grand amoureux de la ville de Montreux, disparu tragiquement en 1991.
Mis sur pieds grâce à l’énergie d’une poignée de passionnés de la région, le « Freddie Mercury’s Montreux Memorial Day » propose notamment des concerts, des workshops et des rencontres avec des personnalités qui ont côtoyé Freddie Mercury de près. D’année en année, le succès de la manifestation ne cesse de croître.
Autour de la statue de leur idole, point de ralliement aussi symbolique qu’incontournable, ce sont ainsi plusieurs centaines de personnes provenant des quatre coins du monde qui se réunissent et communient avec émotion, s’inspirant peut-être d’une phrase que prononçait souvent Freddie Mercury : «Si tu veux la paix de l’âme, viens à Montreux».
Saturday September 5th 2015 saw fans from over 30 countries flock to Montreux in Switzerland to celebrate what would have been Freddie Mercury's 69th birthday. Check out the pictures from the night in this video. Donations to the Mercury Phoenix Trust – Fighting AIDS Worldwide can be made here : http://bit.ly/1gTSmCL
5 September: This weekend marks what would have been the Queen frontman's 69th birthday and despite his tragic death 24 years ago, it remains clear that his legacy still lives on. Mercury had a career with Queen that cemented his status as an iconic frontman who is still considered to have been one of the best. In his lifetime the musician had a revered, original and flamboyant stage presence that has gone on to influence many others who take to the stage.
The charisma and power in his performance style has over the years led to many artists quoting him as one of their biggest inspirations today. From rock icons like Bowie and Kurt Cobain, to pop stars Lady Gaga and Katy Perry, to rappers Wiz Khalifa and Lupe Fiasco, the diverse scope of artists that love Mercury is huge.
Check out my list of the artists that have been greatly inspired by the great Freddie Mercury.
Matt Bellamy: "The best band in the world is Queen, definitely."
David Bowie: "Of all the more theatrical performers, Freddie took it further than the rest. He took it over the edge. And of course i always admire a man who wears tights!"
Wiz Khalifa: "I jumped up in the air and landed on my knees and made my back touch the ground, it looked awesome, like some Freddie Mercury shit."
Adam Lambert: "Freddie's voice has so much texture to it. It's super sexy. He kind of grabs at everything, he squeezes it. He was completely over the top in the best possible way."
Kurt Cobain: "I used to take a nap in the van and listen to Queen. Over and over again and drain the battery on the van. Then we'd be stuck. That happened a few times. Wé'd be stuck with a dead battery because i'd listened to Queen too much."
Lupe Fiasco: "I have an understanding of Queen and the way Freddie Mercury did his harmonies."
Psy: "My lifetime role model and hero is Freddie Mercury of Queen."
Twin Atlantic: "The most influential artist of the past 25 years is Queen's Freddie Mercury."
Lady Gaga: "I adored Freddie Mercury and Queen had a hit called 'Radio Gaga'. That's why i love the name. Freddie was unique - one of the biggest personalities in the whole of pop music. He was not only a singer but also a fantastic performer, a man of the theatre and someone who constantly transformed himself. In short: a genius."
Dave Grohl: "Every band should study Queen at Live Aid. I consider Freddie Mercury the greatest frontman of all time. You'd imagine that Freddie was more than human, but you know how he contrrolled Wembley Stadium at Live Aid in 1985? He stood up there and did his vocal warm ups with the audience. Something that intimate, where they realize, 'Oh yeah, he's just a fucking dude."