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, 05:35am

Bienvenu dans la section Autographes. Mon but est de vous aider à reconnaître les autographes authentiques des membres du groupe Queen.Je suis dégoûte par la quantité,astronomique de faux qui sont à vendre sur des sites de ventes aux enchéres, particulièrement sur eBay.

Je met a votre disposition des photos d'authentiques autographes.

A vous maintenant de faire la par des choses et de ne pas suspécter,sans discernement,un faux dans votre colléction,ni mettre en doute arbitrairement un site ou en vendeur.

La tache est ardue mais nécessaire,pour ne pas tomber dans les filets de ces éscrocs.


Genuine signatures - Rare early Queen signatures on a 1973 flyer. This is what the signatures looked like in the first half of 70's.

Première Rare signatures sur un prospectus de 1973.

Genuine signatures - Rare example of early Queen signatures on a Queen II tour flyer (1974).

Signatures sur un flyer en 1974

Genuine signatures - Obtained in Bournemouth, most likely on 30.11.1973 (the signatures are on a ticket to a disco in Bournemouth.

Bournemouth,  30.11.1973
Genuine signatures - One of the few genuine signed items on eBay :-)

Sur Ebay

Genuine signatures - Beautiful signatures obtained in Holiday Inn in Birmingham (2.4.1974).

 Holiday Inn a Birmingham (2.4.1974).

Genuine signatures - Early signatures of Freddie and Brian, signed on a piece of paper. They may look strange to you but are genuine!

Early signatures of Freddie and Brian, signed on a piece of paper. They may look strange to you but are genuine!
Genuine signatures - An early letter (April 1974) - once again, these signatures are typical for the 1973-1978 period.

An early letter (April 1974) - once again, these signatures are typical for the 1973-1978 period.

Genuine signatures - Typical Queen signatures from those days...

Typical Queen signatures from those days...
Genuine signatures - Not very nice signatures but I'm sure they're genuine.

Pas trés belles signatures,mais authentiques.

Genuine signatures - Very rare message from the Queen members to readers of famous Japanese magazine 'Music Life'. Signed either in 1975 or 1976.

Very rare message from the Queen members to readers of famous Japanese magazine 'Music Life'. Signed either in 1975 or 1976.
Genuine signatures - Ugly Freddie's signature? Yes but that's typical for that era. This LP comes from Ratty's personal collection.

Ugly Freddie's signature? Yes but that's typical for that era. This LP comes from Ratty's personal collection.

Genuine signatures - Once again a genuine but ugly Freddie's signature from 1975.

Once again a genuine but ugly Freddie's signature from 1975.
Genuine signatures - Something from 1975 - most Brian's signatures from that era look exactly like this.

Something from 1975 - most Brian's signatures from that era look exactly like this.

Genuine signatures - Another typical Brian's signature from mid 70's.

Another typical Brian's signature from mid 70's.
Genuine signatures - Roger's signature. When he was in good mood, he often added a nice graphic version of the word 'Queen'. Probably from mid 70's.

Roger's signature. When he was in good mood, he often added a nice graphic version of the word 'Queen'. Probably from mid 70's.

Genuine signatures - Signatures on official documents were different. Brian often signed as B.H.May while Freddie shortened his first name to just "F". But if you see "FMercury" on an LP, it's almost certainly fake!

Signatures on official documents were different. Brian often signed as B.H.May while Freddie shortened his first name to just "F". But if you see "FMercury" on an LP, it's almost certainly fake!
Genuine signatures - Signed spring 1978 tour programme, signatures obtained by Joe Trovato (lighting director).

Signed spring 1978 tour programme, signatures obtained by Joe Trovato (lighting director).

Genuine signatures - Signed spring 1978 tour programme, signatures obtained by Joe Trovato (lighting director).

Signed spring 1978 tour programme, signatures obtained by Joe Trovato (lighting director).

Genuine signatures - Signed spring 1978 tour programme, signatures obtained by Joe Trovato (lighting director).

Signed spring 1978 tour programme, signatures obtained by Joe Trovato (lighting director).
Genuine signatures - Christmas card from Freddie to his friends, I estimate it's from mid-late 70's.

Christmas card from Freddie to his friends, I estimate it's from mid-late 70's.

Genuine signatures - Brian's signature from 1978 - still looked like in the early years.

Brian's signature from 1978 - still looked like in the early years.
Genuine signatures - Signatures on a Live Killers LP, probably from 1979.

Signatures on a Live Killers LP, probably from 1979.

Genuine signatures - Freddie, Brian and Roger in 1978.

Freddie, Brian and Roger in 1978.

2ème PARTIE: LES AUTOGRAPHES DIT "FAKE" (falsifier, imiter, faux).

Fake signatures - Typical fakes from the official fan club.

Typical fakes from the official fan club.
Fake signatures - Typical fakes from the official fan club.

Typical fakes from the official fan club.

Fake signatures - New kind of fakes - Roger's signature looks pretty good.

New kind of fakes - Roger's signature looks pretty good.
Fake signatures - Same kind of fakes as on the left.

Same kind of fakes as on the left.

Fake signatures - Sold by seller 'galvinmoondust' on ebay. Very good fakes, this dealer has already quite mastered the skill of faking signatures.

Sold by seller 'galvinmoondust' on ebay. Very good fakes, this dealer has already quite mastered the skill of faking signatures.
Fake signatures - Same description as on the left. Seller 'galvinmoondust' is selling such fakes on ebay very often. Avoid at all cost!

Same description as on the left. Seller 'galvinmoondust' is selling such fakes on ebay very often. Avoid at all cost!

Fake signatures - These are on ebay very often.

These are on ebay very often.
Fake signatures - Same as the previous example.

Same as the previous example.

Fake signatures - Very very good fakes. Beware!

Very very good fakes. Beware!
Fake signatures - Same example as the previous signatures.

Same example as the previous signatures.

Fake signatures - Very often on ebay - thank god these are poor and easy to recognize.

Very often on ebay - thank god these are poor and easy to recognize.
Fake signatures - Pretty good "B" in Brian's name - but the rest is sh*t.

Pretty good "B" in Brian's name - but the rest is sh*t.

Fake signatures - Taken from a recent ebay auction. Not bad fakes, John's signature is in fact similar to his real one. Again, these were obviously done by one hand, just notice the similarities in handwriting.

Taken from a recent ebay auction. Not bad fakes, John's signature is in fact similar to his real one. Again, these were obviously done by one hand, just notice the similarities in handwriting.

Fake signatures - Genuine signatures but PRINTED!!! Often it's difficult to recognize printed signatures from the real ones. Be careful! This one was printed by Elena Uocha from Italy.

Genuine signatures but PRINTED!!! Often it's difficult to recognize printed signatures from the real ones. Be careful! This one was printed by Elena Uocha from Italy.
Fake signatures - Very good fakes, common fans may be confused.

Very good fakes, common fans may be confused.

Fake signatures - These are often on ebay these days. John's looks good but they're all fake! Beware! The fakers are improving their skills.

These are often on ebay these days. John's looks good but they're all fake! Beware! The fakers are improving their skills.
Fake signatures - Very poor fakes.

Very poor fakes.

Fake signatures - Very poor fakes.

Very poor fakes.
Fake signatures - Very poor fakes.

Very poor fakes.

Fake signatures - Very poor fakes.

Very poor fakes.
Fake signatures - Very poor fakes.

Very poor fakes.

Fake signatures - Very poor fakes.

Very poor fakes.
Fake signatures - Very poor fakes.

Very poor fakes.

Fake signatures - I wouldn't bet my life on this - all four signatures look good but I still am quite sure they're fake. Just look at John's "J".

I wouldn't bet my life on this - all four signatures look good but I still am quite sure they're fake. Just look at John's "J".
Fake signatures - Marked by the fan club as genuine, yet definitely fake - actually VERY POOR fakes!

Marked by the fan club as genuine, yet definitely fake - actually VERY POOR fakes

J'admet que la plupart des faux sont criant de vérité.Mais a la longue,Croyez-en mon expérience,l'oeil ne se trompe pas.
Alors,à vos lunettes,lentilles,loupe ou autres accéssoires pour déjouer les pièges de nos amis les faussaires.