Queenworld.fr est le premier site francophone amateur, exclusivement consacré à l'univers du groupe Queen. Vous y trouverez: biographie, photos, videos, goodies ainsi que l'intégralité de la discographie du groupe. Merci et bon surf sur Queenworld.fr. Louis Goncalves
Freddie Mercury Biography
Freddie Mercury was born on the Tanzanian island of Zanzibar. His parents, Bomi and Jer Bulsara, sent him off to a private school in India, from 1955 til 1963. In 1964 Freddie and his family flew to England. Freddie was very delighted to come to England. In 1966 he started his education at the Ealing College of Art, where he graduated in 1969. He loved art, and because of that, he often went along with his friend Tim Staffell, who played in a band called Smile. Also in this band where Brian May andRoger Taylor. When Staffell left the band in 1970, Freddie became their new singer. He changed the band's name into Queen, and they took on a new bass-player in February 1971, called John Deacon. Their first album, "Queen", came out in 1973. But their real breakthrough was "Killer Queen", on the album "Sheer Heart Attack", which was released in 1974. They became immortal with the single "Bohemian Rhapsody", on the 1975 album "A Night At The Opera". After setting foot in the US in 1980, with "Another One Bites The Dust", they had a bad period. Their album "Flash Gordon" went down the drain, because the movie Flash Gordon (1980) flunked. Their next, "Hot Space", also wasn't a great success. Only the song "Under Pressure", which they sang together withDavid Bowie, made a difference. In 1983, they took a year off. But, in 1984 they were totally back with their new album, called "The Works". It contained great hits, such as "Radio Ga Ga" and "I Want To Break Free". In 1985 Freddie made his first big solo-album, "Mr. Bad Guy". He and the band had been in a bit of an argument, and he wanted to do something on his own. The album was loved by the fans, but didn't do to well. But the band got back together again, after their famous performance at Live Aid, in 1985. At the end of the year, they started working on their new album, "A Kind Of Magic". They also held their most famous tour ever, the "Magic Tour". They did Wembley Stadium twice, and held their very last concert in Knebworth, in front of 125.000 people. After 1986, it went silent around Queen. It was in 1987 or '88, when Freddie told the band he had AIDS, and only had a few years to live. After Freddie told the band, he refused to talk about it anymore. He was afraid that people would buy their records out of pity. He said he wanted to keep making music as long as possible. And he did. His second big solo-album, "The Great Pretender", got out in 1987. After that, he flew to Spain, where he made the magnificent album "Barcelone", together with Montserrat Caballé, whom he saw performing in 1983. Because Freddie loved opera, he became a huge fan of her. For him, this album was like a dream becoming reality. The single "Barcelona" went huge, and was also used as a theme song for the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. After Barcelona, he started working with the band again. They made "The Miracle", which was released in 1989. It was a success, with hits as "Breakthru", "I Want It All" and "The Invisible Man". After "The Miracle", Freddie's health got worse. They wanted to do one more album, called "Innuendo." They worked on it in 1990 and early 1991. Every time when Freddie would feel well, he came over to the studio and sang. After "Innuendo" was released in January 1991, they made two video clips. The first one was the video clip of "I'm Going Slightly Mad", shot in March 1991. Because Freddie was very thin, and had little wounds all over his body, they used a lot of make-up. He wore a wig, and the clip was shot in black and white. Freddie's final video clip was released in June 1991. The clip, "These Are The Days Of Our Lives", later turned out to be his goodbye song, the last time he appeared on film. You could clearly see he was ill, but he still hadn't told the world about his disease. Rumours went around that he some kind of terrible disease. This rumor was confirmed by Freddie himself, one day before he passed on. His death was seen as a great loss for the world of music.
10 Things You Never Knew About Freddie Mercury
As the flamboyant front man of Queen, Freddie Mercury toyed with hedonism amidst making timeless songs, which leaves plenty ammunition for these little tidbits...
Even his official passport read ‘Frederick Mercury’, despite the fact that his birth name was Farrokh Bulsara. Calling him anything but Freddie would not be well received, however - he started using the name ‘Freddie’ prior to ever arriving in England, and ‘Mercury’ when Queen first started.
Mercury didn’t consider himself a particularly great pianist. As a result, he always dreaded performing ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ (video above) in concert because he worried he would mess up on the piano in the process. In future years, he started using the piano less on albums so he would be free to dance and run wildly during concerts.
In the final scene of Queen’s ‘It’s A Hard Life’ video, when Freddie sits down on the steps, he does so very gingerly, favouring one side over the other. At the time of filming, he had only just had a plaster cast removed, a souvenir after drunken horseplay went awry one night in the New York bar in Munich.
Mercury was always in his best form at concerts after emotional conflict. Before a show at the Milton Keynes Bowl, Mercury got into a massive argument with his current beau, Bill Reid, that culminated with Reid biting Mercury’s hand so hard that it left teeth marks and bled profusely. Another fight left their hotel room with a layer of broken glass and plaster on the carpet.
In another incident with Reid, the two of them yelled at each other for so many hours that Mercury woke up completely hoarse on the day that Queen was scheduled to perform live on Saturday Night Live, a hugely popular variety show in the USA. The entire day was spent trying remedies to get his voice back, which he was only barely able to do in time.
After boarding a flight to New York from Tokyo one day, Mercury discovered the plane was a DC10, a model that had had some problems in the past. “DC death more like!” Mercury remarked, before immediately gathering his things, exiting the plane, and taking the only available seat on the next flight 14 hours later - economy, as opposed to his first class seat on the DC10.
When Mercury was on tour in the United States, he found out the man he was seeing, Tony Bastin, had been seen out with someone else. For revenge, Mercury paid for Bastin to fly out to see him in the US under the pretense of visiting. Mercury met him immediately after his arrival, told him it was over and then put him on the next plane back to London that day. Mercury also kept Bastin’s cat, Oscar.
Mercury loved his cats, so much so that while on tour he would periodically call home to talk to them. His one-time girlfriend and long-time close friend Mary Austin would hold the cats up to the phone so they could listen to him speak. He also had portraits painted of them.
Mercury’s assistants were required to have a pen and paper on them at all times in case inspiration hit unexpectedly. Lyrics for ‘Life Is Real’ were started suddenly while flying over the Atlantic from New York, with what is now the classic line “guilt stains on my pillow” originally taken down as “c*nt stains on my pillow”.
A recreation of the statue created to honour Mercury, found on Lake Geneva in Montreaux, Switzerland, stands on top of the Dominion Theatre, just down Oxford Street from (the then) Clash HQ.
Thank God It's Christmas
Thank God It's Christmas est une chanson de Noël écrite par Brian May et Roger Taylor. Seule chanson de Noël du groupe Queen, le single a atteint la 21e place des charts anglais et est restée classée pendant 6 semaines, durant la période Noël-Nouvel An 1984-1985. Bien que n'étant extraite d'aucun album, la chanson apparaît en 1999 sur la compilation Greatest Hits III. Elle a également été couplée avec le single A Winter's Tale de l'album Made in Heaven sorti en 1995.
Freddie Mercury Queen Headlines Continue Into 2015
Freddie Mercury has been in the headlines over the month of November for a number of reasons, and his name will continue to appear in the media in 2015 due to activity by his former band. In addition to continuation of the biopic project about Freddie Mercury, the tour with Adam Lambert and former Queen bandmates will start its third year.
Along with music reviews about the release of three new songs, topics in the news about Queen have covered the theft of a Freddie Mercury statue by Queen drummer Roger Taylor. On November 17, it was reported to Radio Times Magazine by writer Ben Elton, who penned the stage musical We Will Rock You, that the golden statue on top of the porch at the West End Theatre was taken down after the 12-year run for the show ended by Taylor.
About the incident, Elton said, “It’s in Roger Taylor’s garden, which I believe Brian May is not happy with.”
s part of their November 10 release of the album Forever, Queen shared three unreleased Freddie Mercury songs. At that time, it was announced that “one of the songs was placed on iTunes with the intentions that the proceeds will go to fight AIDS.” Reviews about the 2014 album and the new song have been generally well-received by critics and fans on websites like Amazon.
However, the Daily Mail writer who reviewed the previously unreleased songs said that they do not generally like the music of Freddie Mercury. The writer then published a supportive “Queen Fact” related to the band that showed the writer was in the minority of this negative opinion.
A large number of write-ups about Freddie Mercury’s life appear annually to celebrate the day he died 23 years ago on November 24, 1991. Among the stories about Freddie Mercury published in November were a few hints pertaining to his biopic.
Since 2010, the former bandmates and film project frontmen, Roger Taylor and Brian May, have been spearheading the Freddie Mercury biopic project. The most recent update they personally gave about the Freddie Mercury movie in the media was at the Queen and Adam Lambert tour announcement press conference on March 6, 2014.
In September 2010, it was announced by media outlets like Pitchfork that Sacha Baron Cohen would play Freddie Mercury. He subsequently dropped out and was replaced by Ben Whishaw.
In regards to starring in the Freddie Mercury biopics, in August 2014 Whishaw told Time Out London, “Actually, I don’t know what’s happening, it seems to be on a back burner. It was going, then there were problems getting the script working.”
In 2015, headlines will continue about Freddie Mercury due to more than the continuation of the biopic project. It was announced in the fall of 2014 that the tour with Adam Lambert and the remaining Queen band members will carry forward. The band went on tour for the first time with Lambert replacing Freddie Mercury in 2012.
After playing almost 50 world dates over the past two years, the band’s webpage, Queen Online, announced that they will start playing England with their replacement Freddie Mercury on January 13, 2015 at the Newcastle Arena. The tour will end on February 19 in Zurich.
The Mercurotti
Spoiler : il ne s’agit pas vraiment de Freddie Mercury et Luciano Pavarotti : Son nom : Marc Martel. Son talent : sa voix. Et étant donné qu’il est capable d’ajuster son timbre à deux des plus grandes légendes de la musique, autant en profiter non ? D’autant plus que le résultat est à la hauteur des espérances : magnifique. Surtout pour Freddie Mercury qui, si on y fait pas gaffe, semble être revenu à la vie le temps d’un Duet avec son comparse Pavarotti. Mais qui diable est ce Marc Martel ?!
Et bien ni plus ni moins que la voix principalE d’un spectacle répondant au nom de « Queen Extravaganza » : soit le genre de show où vous restez la bouche ouverte du début à la fin tant les performances vocales dépassent l’entendement. Pour revenir à la vidéo, cette note finale…cet orgasme auditif ._. Limite j’ai envie de pleurer. Non je déconne. Je m’empare discrètement de ma boite de mouchoir...
Le Béjart Ballet Lausanne en Tournée à Paris.
Le Béjart Ballet Lausanne donnera 5 représentations exceptionnelles au Palais des Congrès de Paris, du 4 au 6 avril 2015 . Après plus de 350 représentations à travers le monde, le ballet qui sera présenté est Le Presbytère, un des ballets les plus populaires de Maurice Béjart, véritable succès depuis sa création en 1997, au Théâtre Chaillot avec Elton John et Queen sur scène.
Ce ballet est un véritable hommage à Jorge Donn, danseur icône de Mauricé Béjart et à Freddie Mercury, morts tous deux du sida.
Le Presbytère est présenté comme un rendez-vous prestigieux et glamour, pour les amateurs de danse et amoureux du 6ème art.
Maurice Béjart : « Mes ballets sont avant tout des rencontres : avec une musique, avec la vie, avec la mort, avec l’amour… avec des êtres dont le passé et l’œuvre se réincarnent en moi, de même que le danseur que je ne suis plus, se réincarne à chaque fois en des interprètes qui le dépassent. Coup de foudre pour la musique de Queen. Invention, violence, humour, amour, tout est là. Je les aime, ils m’inspirent, ils me guident et, de temps en temps dans ce no man’s land où nous irons tous un jour, Freddie Mercury, j’en suis sûr, se met au piano avec Mozart. Un ballet sur la jeunesse et l’espoir puisque, indécrottable, optimiste, je crois aussi malgré tout que The Show Must Go On, comme le chante Queen. »
Dates de la Tournée 2015 :
Marseille – Le Dôme – Mardi 31 mars
Marseille – Le Dôme – Mercredi 1er Avril
Paris – Palais des congrès – Samedi 4 avril
Paris – Palais des congrès – Dimanche 5 avril
Paris – Palais des congrès – lundi 6 avril
Dijon – Zénith – Jeudi 9 avril
Lyon – Amphithéâtre 3000 – Samedi 11avril
Lyon – Amphithéâtre 3000 – dimanche 12 avril
Nantes – Zénith – Mercredi 15 avril
Rouen – Zénith – Samedi 18 avril
Roubaix – Théâtre le Colisée – Mercredi 22 avril
Roubaix – Théâtre le Colisée – jeudi 23 avril
Roubaix – Théâtre le Colisée – vendredi 24 avril